Intercomunicadores DATAVIDEO
DATAVIDEO HP-1E Professional (unico) headphones with microphone
Professional microauricular with one pavilion and mouth microphone. The HP-1E has a 3.5 mm shared jack for microphone and headphone. Compatible with ITC-100 base station.
DATAVIDEO HP-2A Professional headset with microphone
DATAVIDEO ITC-100SL Additional receiver for ITC-100
Additional receiver for ITC-100 (includes 1 x 20m cable, 1x Tally Light and 1 x headphone/microphone).
DATAVIDEO ITC-300 Intercom/tally Ethernet system up to 8 inputs
Full Duplex IP intercom system for up to 8 points, with Ethernet cable connections up to 100 meters. The set is supplied with a 1U rack control base, which integrates a call button, microphone connection (including flex microphone), illumination connection (included is lampara flexo), 4 bicolored tally lights, 4 microauriculars and 4 ITC-300SL waist pads. 1 year warranty.
This product can benefit from three years warranty. The first year is ordinary to purchase the product, but to enjoy the additional two years it is necessary and obligatory to register the product on the manufacturer's web ( before the expiration of 30 days after the purchase.
DATAVIDEO ITC-300SL Belt Pack for intercom ITC-300
Optional communication casket compatible with the ITC-300 base. The connection to the base includes the Ethernet connection. It is supplied with a microauricular and a Tally bicolor indicator. 1 year warranty.
DATAVIDEO MC-1 Standard One Ear Headphone with mic. For ITC-100, ...
Datavideo MC-1. Standard One Ear Headphone with mic. for ITC-100, ...
DATAVIDEO MC-2 Datavideo. Microphone with XLR connection
DATAVIDEO TD-3 Set of 4 Tallys Light Bi color (Red/Green) for Datavideo equipment
Set of 4 Tallys Light Bi color (Red/Green) for ITC-100 Datavideo equipment. The package contains 4x TD-3; 4x CB-7 (GPI Cable); 4x adhesive tapes.